Picked Children’s Top Rated Bedtime Stories 20 Books Simplified Chinese with Pinyin/儿童精品故事全套20册 拼音注


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In total, 20 Picked Children’s Top Rated Stories are included. These stories are chosen carefully from the classic stories worldwide in children’s interest.


  • Beautiful illustrations with simple text encourage kids to read
  • Pinyin helps kids to read easily by themselves
  • Stories are in suitable length to keep kids’ attention

Book Lists: 儿(ér)童(tóng)精(jīng)品(pǐn)故(gù)事(shi)

  1. 《儿童精品故事绘本-龟兔赛跑》The tortoise and the hare (A story from China teaching perseverance)
  2. 《儿童精品故事绘本-三只小猪》Three pigs (A story from British teaching diligence)
  3. 《儿童精品故事绘本-司马光砸缸》Sima Guang Breaking the Vat (A story from China teaching to use head to solve problems)
  4. 《儿童精品故事绘本-灰姑娘》Cinderella (A story from French teaching kindness towards all)
  5. 《儿童精品故事绘本-小红帽》Little Red Riding Hood (A story from French teaching not to trust strangers)
  6. 《儿童精品故事绘本-小兔乖乖》Three Little Rabbits (A story from China teaching not to trust strangers)
  7. 《儿童精品故事绘本-孙悟空大战红孩儿》Monkey King Vs. Red Boy (A story from China teaching to stay vigilant on enemies)
  8. 《儿童精品故事绘本-阿拉丁神灯》Aladdin and the Magic Lamp (A story from Arabia teaching true identity is a buildup of character not wealth)
  9. 《儿童精品故事绘本-拇指姑娘》Thumbelina (A story by Hans Christian Andersen teaching being true to ourselves)
  10. 《儿童精品故事绘本-阿里巴巴与四十大盗》Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves ( A story from Syria teaching not being greedy)
  11. 《儿童精品故事绘本-人鱼公主》The Little Mermaid (A story by Hans Christian Andersen teaching being kind)
  12. 《儿童精品故事绘本-卖火柴的小女孩》The Little Match Girl (A story by Hans Christian Andersen teaching  to behave charitably toward those who are less fortunate)
  13. 《儿童精品故事绘本-狼和七只小羊》The Wolf and the Seven Young Goats (A story collected by Brothers Grimm teaching being good to others)
  14. 《儿童精品故事绘本-城里老鼠和乡下老鼠》The town mouse and the country mouse (A story from Aesop’s Fables teaching to stay in a simple life)
  15. 《儿童精品故事绘本-木偶奇遇记》The Adventures of Pinocchio (A story from Italy teaching not to choose the easy path of the life)
  16. 《儿童精品故事绘本-青蛙王子》The Frog Prince (A story collected by Brothers Grimm teaching to keep your promises)
  17. 《儿童精品故事绘本-皇帝的新装》The Emperor’s New Clothes (A story by Hans Christian Andersen teaching pride comes before a fall)
  18. 《儿童精品故事绘本-睡美人》Sleeping Beauty (A story from French teaching to obey parents)
  19. 《儿童精品故事绘本-丑小鸭》The Ugly Duckling (A story by Hans Christian Andersen teaching not to judge a person by outward appearance)
  20. 《儿童精品故事绘本-白雪公主》Snow White (A story collected by Brothers Grimm teaching selfish desire is dangerous)


Collected and published by

Yanbian University Publication


Simplified Chinese with Pinyin



Pages per book





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